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Why Is “It” Working This Time?

rebecca's story Jul 23, 2011

A couple of months into the fast, Chris, a dieting buddy and computer friend of mine, could no longer stand it. “I want what you have,” she said. “You’re committed, you’re finally doing it, you’re losing weight and feeling great, you’re happy and successful. I want that too.”

I thought, ‘Yeah, all that’s true.’ After countless hours of commiserating with her about not being able to lose weight, all of a sudden I was in the flow. How did this happen? Why this time? Why now? What do I have? And how did I get it?’

At the time, I could not tell you why I had been able to stick to the program. Certainly, I had tried lots of things – diets, gym memberships, hypnosis – and was sometimes able to stick with them but not in the happy and consistent way I was on the fast.

Like my commitment to the truth, I genuinely and passionately wanted to know what was different this time. Here I was in the place I wanted to be after so much suffering. I knew if I could figure it out I could help a lot of people, including Chris. I knew what it was like to struggle and I really wanted to help.

That very day I made a second commitment – to pass on everything I learned about the truth to those struggling with weight. With the second commitment came even more curiosity. What changes in people that brings them into alignment with their optimal health with a sense of flow and aliveness? What does it take to make this happen?


Previous, Grace Engaged My Vanity for the Sake of My Soul…      •      Next, Fasting for the Truth


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